Assendelft 1695 - Ship Pay-Ledger

The oldest known document listing Samuel Walter(s)



The voyage of every VOC ship and all passengers and officials were listed in a separate book called the Ship Pay-ledger.  Two identical copies were made. The first one was deposited in the  Batavia archive after the arrival of the ship and a second with the chamber to which the ship belonged ( one of six in the Netherlands).  The  Assendelft sailed under the chamber of  Amsterdam.  Only a few books for the late  17 century survived including the Assendelft voyage of 1695 to Ceylon.  A wealth of information appears in these Ship Pay-ledgers in two columns marked debit and credit. This information include : name, surname. city of origin, rank at appointment, wage, kit supplied, duration of journey, cost for the VOC, debt and payments to people in the Netherlands, final settlement,  date of free burgher status ( release from duty) and date of death1.  

From Samuel Walter  entry in the Ship Pay-Ledger of the  Assendelft (1695)2  a wealth of new information can be obtained (Click on the entries left to enlarge) . This is the oldest known document listing Samuel Walter from  Samuel Walter van Prespoort.  Two months  wages (gagie) in cash of    18 Guilder were paid out to prior his departure to Samuel. Samuel owed the VOC  150 Guilders for a loan for lodging and a kit. Samuel therefore owed the VOC  168 Guilders before he left ( more than one and a half years wages at 9 guilders per month!).   There is very little information available during his stay  in Amsterdam. According to the Ship pay ledger Samuel owed money to the following persons: Jan van den Bergh (67 Guilders) en Engeltje(n) Andries (76 Guilders) which was subtracted from his wages  in 1698,1699  en 1700.   We are not sure if he borrowed money from them or if he new them well. It is probable that he stayed  with them during his stay in Amsterdam.   Two important dates appear  credit column, namely is free burgher status ( release from duty) on 24 February 1711 and his date of death on 13 December 1725.

1          VOC 1.04.02, Index, p 113, The Hague  Archive.

2          VOC 1.04.02, Scheepssoldijboeken, 5428, The Hague  Archive.




